IKEA CEO Foundation Explores RGF Green Innovation & Design Center

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A distinguished event unfolded as Raising Gabdho Foundation (RGF) and International Rescue Committee-Uganda (IRC) welcomed the CEO of the IKEA Foundation to the RGF Green Innovation and Design Center. The visit was an exceptional occasion, graced by the presence of Mr. Per Heggenes, CEO of the IKEA Foundation, and a delegation of esteemed members. Nakiyini Joan, RGF’s Projects Lead, extended a warm welcome, guiding the delegation through an illuminating tour of the facility, shedding light on the diverse sustainable pathways championed by RGF within the community.

The visit commenced with a comprehensive presentation, delving into RGF’s unwavering commitment to sustainable agriculture, green digital skills, renewable energy, waste management, and the cultivation of a green value chain. The delegation was captivated by the innovative strides made by RGF and their resolute vision to forge a more sustainable, just, and equitable world.

The delegation was granted a firsthand experience of cutting-edge, sustainable solutions devised to tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges. The CEO of the IKEA Foundation took a particular interest in the advancements made in renewable energy and green digital skills by RGF, leaving the delegation inspired by the transformative potential of RGF’s initiatives.

RGF’s clients took center stage, showcasing tangible outcomes derived from their training across diverse domains. The delegation was profoundly moved by the concrete impact of RGF’s endeavors, acknowledging the organization’s unwavering commitment to uplifting communities and nurturing a sustainable future for all.

In collaboration with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), RGF is actively engaged in co-implementing the REBUILD project, aimed at boosting urban innovations for livelihoods development among refugees in East Africa. The IKEA Foundation’s generous funding has been instrumental in realizing the potential of this transformative initiative.

Nakiyini Joan expressed her excitement, saying, “We are thrilled to have had the privilege of sharing our work with the esteemed delegation from the IKEA Foundation, UNHCR, IRC among others. It was an incredible experience to showcase our innovative and sustainable solutions.”

RGF stands as a distinguished social enterprise for impact, deeply committed to empowering vulnerable communities and guiding them towards dignified self-reliance. The organization’s focus on benchmarking good practices and fostering continuous innovation ensures that sustainability remains a guiding principle in all its initiatives.

Reflecting on the visit, Sarah Basemera, Team Lead of Raising Gabdho Foundation, remarked, “Hosting the esteemed delegation from the IKEA Foundation and engaging in meaningful conversations with them was an incredible honor. Witnessing the impact of our sustainable pathways and innovative solutions on vulnerable communities fills me with pride. Our commitment to empowering individuals and nurturing a sustainable future remains steadfast. Together with our devoted team and partners, we will persist in driving positive change and sculpting a more equitable world.”

This resolute dedication to community empowerment and sustainability resides at the heart of RGF’s mission. For a deeper glimpse into the visit, you can explore the gallery for more images. To learn more about RGF and its array of sustainable pathways, please visit their official website: www.raisinggabdho.org.

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